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The context object is passed to each route function in Probun. It contains information about the request and response. Like express has req and res, Probun has a context object.

Type Definition

type ContextType = {
json: (json: object, status?: number) => Promise<Response>;
pretty: (json: object, status?: number) => Promise<Response>;
text: (text: string, status?: number) => Promise<Response>;
html: (html: string, status?: number) => Promise<Response>;
error: (message: string, status?: number) => Promise<Response>;
success: (message: string, status?: number) => Promise<Response>;
redirect: (url: string, status?: number) => Promise<Response>;
sendFile: (filePath: string, status?: number) => Promise<Response>;
readHtml: (filePath: string) => Promise<string>;
req: Request;
params: Record<string, string>;
query: Record<string, string>;